Reimagining Standish Street north of Bradford Street

Reimagining Standish Street north of Bradford Street
Standish St at Bradford St in Provincetown

Standish Street is part of a low-traffic bike route from MacMillan Pier to the bike trails at Beech Forest in the Cape Cod National Seashore. Recent retail development has increased the number of motor vehicles using this intersection.

When CVS came to town, it was required to build sidewalks and install landscaping at this intersection. Alas, the resulting layout made the entrance to this quiet residential street look like a parking lot for the gas station and the angled parking at CVS. Drivers often turn back to exit onto Bradford Street against the one-way travel restriction. (Google Map)

Residents have repeatedly asked the Select Board to enforce the provisions of the CVS special permit, which required traffic management and the posting of a police officer to enforce the one-way street.

This visualization formalizes two-way bicycling along Standish St., adds new bike crossings to improve visibility of people on bikes, narrows the entrance to the street, and provides some protection from turning cars for people bicycling and walking with strategically placed planters.

These improvements could be made today with no construction – just paint, planters, and a wayfinding sign.

Reimagining the intersection of Standish Street and Bradford Street in Provincetown, MA.

Elements used in this sketch:

Materials needed to implement:

  • Paint
  • Planters
  • Sign pole and wayfinding sign,

Existing conditions:

  • Two-way bicycling is common on this residential street with a large population of young children
  • One-way car travel north from Bradford St
  • Posted speed limit is 15 MPH
  • 20 ft wide one-way travel lane is excessive
  • Excessive signage in an attempt to manage driver behavior
  • No delineation of the street edge at the gas station entrance
  • No indication that this is a bike route.